89 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Modeling of Reflectarrays using Scale Changing

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    De nos jours, les antennes sont de plus en plus complexes en raison notamment de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©aliser une reconfigurabilitĂ© en frĂ©quence et/ou en diagramme. Les rĂ©seaux rĂ©flecteurs et les surfaces sĂ©lectives en frĂ©quence sont des candidats particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressants pour couvrir les besoins actuels. Cependant, en raison de leur grande taille et de la complexitĂ© gĂ©omĂ©trique croissante de leurs cellules Ă©lĂ©mentaires, l‘analyse Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique complĂšte de ces structures rayonnantes nĂ©cessite Ă©normĂ©ment de ressources informatiques (mĂ©moire) et exige des temps de calcul prohibitifs, notamment lorsque des Ă©lĂ©ments de commande tels que des MEMS-RF sont intĂ©grĂ©s au sein des cellules. Les techniques numĂ©riques classiques basĂ©es sur un maillage (spatial ou spectral) systĂ©matique ne parviennent pas Ă  simuler de maniĂšre efficace de telles structures multi-Ă©chelles et nĂ©cessitent souvent des ressources informatiques difficiles d’accĂšs pour le concepteur d'antennes. Une technique originale baptisĂ©e « Scale Changing Technique (SCT) » tente de rĂ©soudre ce problĂšme en segmentant le rĂ©seau en de multiples domaines imbriquĂ©s les uns dans les autres et prĂ©sentant divers niveaux d'Ă©chelle. Le multi-pĂŽle par changement d’échelle, appelĂ© « Scale Changing Network (SCN) », modĂ©lise le couplage Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique entre deux niveaux d’échelle successifs. Ce multi-pĂŽle peut ĂȘtre calculĂ© en rĂ©solvant les Ă©quations de Maxwell Ă  partir d’une Formulation par Equations IntĂ©grales. La mise en cascade des multi-pĂŽles par changement d’échelle permet alors le calcul de la matrice impĂ©dance (ou admittance) de surface du rĂ©seau complet. Cette matrice peut Ă  son tour ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour simuler la diffusion Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique d’une onde incidente par le rĂ©seau. Le calcul des diffĂ©rents multi-pĂŽles par changement d’échelle peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ© sĂ©parĂ©ment de sorte que le temps de simulation du rĂ©seau complet peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rablement rĂ©duit en parallĂ©lisant le calcul. Par ailleurs, la modification de la gĂ©omĂ©trie de la structure Ă  une Ă©chelle donnĂ©e, lors de la phase de conception, nĂ©cessite seulement le calcul de deux multi-pĂŽles par changement d’échelle et ne requiert pas une nouvelle simulation de toute la structure. Cette caractĂ©ristique fait de la SCT un outil de conception modulaire. Dans le cadre de cette thĂšse, la SCT a permis de tenir compte de la taille finie des rĂ©seaux et de modĂ©liser efficacement les couplages Ă©lectromagnĂ©tiques entre les cellules Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Des rĂ©seaux rĂ©flecteurs uniformes et non uniformes ont Ă©tĂ© simulĂ©s par la SCT et les performances numĂ©riques de la mĂ©thode ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es. ABSTRACT : Future antenna architectures especially for space applications are becoming more and more complex due to the need of reconfigurability. This reconfigurability is needed in terms of frequency, reliability, radiation pattern and power consumption. In this context, reflectarrays and frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) are particularly the hottest domains of RF design. The accurate analysis of electromagnetic (EM) scattering from such type of complex finite-sized reflectarray antenna structures is of great practical interest. However due to their large electrical size and complex cellular patterns specially when tuning elements such as RF-MEMS are also integrated within the array elements, conventional full-wave EM analysis of such multiscale structures either fail or require enormous amount of computational resources to resolve prohibitively large number of unknowns. Moreover the characterization of large structures would normally require a second step for optimization and fine-tuning of several design parameters, as the initial design procedure assumes several approximations. Therefore a full-wave analysis of the initial design of complete structure is necessary prior to fabrication to ensure that the performance conforms to the design requirements. A modular analysis technique which is capable of incorporating geometrical changes at individual cell-level without the need to rerun the entire simulation is extremely desirable at this stage. An indigenous technique called Scale Changing Technique (SCT) addresses this problem by partitioning the cellular reflectarray geometry in numerous nested domains and subdomains defined at different scale-levels in the array plane. Multi-modal networks, called Scale Changing Networks (SCNs), are then computed to model the electromagnetic interactions between any two successive partitions by method of moments (MoM) based integral equation approach. The cascade of these networks allows the computation of the equivalent surface impedance matrix of the complete array which in turn is utilized to compute far-field radiation patterns. Full-wave analysis of both passive and active (electronically tunable by RF-MEMS) reflectarrays has successfully been performed by the SCT while utilizing very small amount of computational resources as compared to conventional full wave methods. Moreover, to speed up the SCT modeling of the reflectarrays, equivalent electrical circuit models have been extracted and applied for individual design and optimization of the reflectarray phase shifter elements

    Hydrophobicity — A Green Technique for Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Alloys

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    The corrosion phenomenon is as old as the age of the planet. The cost of corrosion has risen alarmingly with industrial progress and it is estimated to be around 300 billion dollars or 3 to 4.5% of the GNP of developed nations. Thousands of alloys have been developed to control corrosion, which is a major consideration in the development of new ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Several corrosion control techniques such as inhibitor treatment, coatings, cathodic protection, alloying additions, and designing for corrosion protection have been developed to combat corrosion. Despite their merits, techniques such as inhibition treatment and coatings are limited by their adverse effect on the environment because of their volatile organic components. Due to an increasingly alarming carbon footprint, there is a growing global concern to keep the environment clean. Hence, a great need exists to replace the current control methods by eco-friendly methods. The potential of the green technology of hydrophobicity has therefore been exploited to control corrosion by fabricating hydrophobic surfaces on alloys and these surfaces have shown highly promising results. This technology offers a novel method to control corrosion of metals, alloys, polymers and composites

    Mechanism of Corrosion and Erosion Resistance of Plasma‐ Sprayed Nanostructured Coatings

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    There has been a dramatic increase in recent years in a demand for tough, wear‐resistant, abrasion, erosion, and corrosion‐resistant coatings for petroleum, chemical, aerospace industry, and processes encountering harsh environments such as paper and pulp equipment (the ball valve for high‐pressure leaching). Whereas sufficient information on mechanical properties, such as abrasion, wear, and fatigue, has been gathered over the years, work on the resistance of these coatings to erosion and corrosion is seriously lacking. In the work reported, it has been shown that nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer superior physical and mechanical properties compared to conventional TiO2 coatings. Three different types of plasma‐sprayed titanium dioxide coated samples on mild steel substrate were employed for investigation. The feedstocks used were Sulzer Metco nanopowders designated as AE 9340, AE 9342, and AE 9309. Powder 9340 was a precursor. The corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coating was dictated largely by surface structure and morphology. The distribution and geometry of splat lamellae, contents of unmelted nanoparticles, and magnitude of porosity are the important factors that affect corrosion resistance. TiO2 showed excellent resistance to corrosion in 3% NaCl. The maximum corrosion rate was observed to be 4 mils per year as shown by polarization potential and weight loss studies. The erosion‐corrosion resistance of the plasma‐sprayed nanostructured titanium dioxide coatings depends largely upon the characteristics of feed powder and its reconstitution. Dense, uniform, and evenly dispersed nanostructured constituents provide a high coating integrity, which offers high resistance to erosion‐corrosion. A mechanism of erosion‐corrosion is explained in the chapter with a schematic diagram. The findings show that the nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer superior resistance to corrosion, erosion, and environmental degradation

    Design and analysis of a novel tri-band flower-shaped planar antenna for GPS and WiMAX applications

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    This paper presents the design of a tri-band flower-shaped planar monopole antenna operating at three frequencies i.e. 1.576 GHz (GPS), 2.668 GHz and 3.636 GHz (Mobile WiMAX). The radiating element of the antenna is backed by a 1.6 mm thicker FR-4 substrate having a dielectric constant of 4.3. The substrate is backed by a truncated ground plane. The antenna is fed through a 50 ℩ microstrip line. The flower shape of the radiating element is derived from the basic circular shape by introducing in it rounded slots of various radii. The upper part of the antenna is flower-shaped while the lower part comprises a microstrip feed line and two branches, each having two ‘leaves’ at the end. The leaves and branches contribute in the impedance matching of the lower (1.576 GHz) and middle (2.668 GHz) frequency bands. The antenna gives an acceptable simulated efficiency >70% in the three frequency bands. Suitable gains of 1.63, 2.59 and 3.23dB are obtained at 1.576 GHz, 2.668 GHz and 3.636 GHz, respectively. The antenna matched with a VSWR<1.2 in the three frequency bands. The prototype of the antenna is fabricated and tested in the laboratory, and good agreement in simulated and measured results is achieved. The proposed design is a visually appealing and may find uses as an external antenna in GPS and WiMAX applications

    A 37 GHz Millimeter-Wave Antenna Array for 5G Communication Terminals

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    This work presents, design and specific absorption rate (SAR) analysis of a 37 GHz antenna, for 5th Generation (5G) applications. The proposed antenna comprises of 4-elements of rectangular patch and an even distribution. The radiating element is composed of copper material supported by Rogers RT5880 substrate of thickness, 0.254 mm, dielectric constant (Δr), 2.2, and loss tangent, 0.0009. The 4-elements array antenna is compact in size with a dimension of 8 mm × 20 mm in length and width. The radiating patch is excited with a 50 ohms connector i.e., K-type. The antenna resonates in the frequency band of 37 GHz, that covers the 5G applications. The antenna behavior is studied both in free space and in the proximity of the human body. Three models of the human body, i.e., belly, hand, and head (contain skin, fat, muscles, and bone) are considered for on-body simulations. At resonant frequency, the antenna gives a boresight gain of 11.6 dB. The antenna radiates efficiently with a radiated efficiency of more than 90%. Also, it is observed that the antenna detunes to the lowest in the proximity of the human body, but still a good impedance matching is achieved considering the −10 dB criteria. Moreover, SAR is also being presented. The safe limit of 2 W/kg for any 10 g of biological tissue, specified by the European International Electro Technical Commission (IEC) has been considered. The calculated values of SAR for human body models, i.e., belly, hand and head are 1.82, 1.81 and 1.09 W/kg, respectively. The SAR values are less than the international recommendations for the three models. Furthermore, the simulated and measured results of the antenna are in close agreement, which makes it, a potential candidate for the fifth-generation smart phones and other handheld devices

    A Novel Dual Ultrawideband CPW-Fed Printed Antenna for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

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    This paper presents a dual-band coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed printed antenna with rectangular shape design blocks having ultrawideband characteristics, proposed and implemented on an FR4 substrate. The size of the proposed antenna is just 25 mm × 35 mm. A novel rounded corners technique is used to enhance not only the impedance bandwidth but also the gain of the antenna. The proposed antenna design covers two ultrawide bands which include 1.1–2.7 GHz and 3.15–3.65 GHz, thus covering 2.4 GHz Bluetooth/Wi-Fi band and most of the bands of 3G, 4G, and a future expected 5G band, that is, 3.4–3.6 GHz. Being a very low-profile antenna makes it very suitable for the future 5G Internet of Things (IoT) portable applications. A step-by-step design process is carried out to obtain an optimized design for good impedance matching in the two bands. The current densities and the reflection coefficients at different stages of the design process are plotted and discussed to get a good insight into the final proposed antenna design. This antenna exhibits stable radiation patterns on both planes, having low cross polarization and low back lobes with a maximum gain of 8.9 dB. The measurements are found to be in good accordance with the simulated results

    Soil physical properties, nitrogen uptake and grain quality of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by tillage systems and nitrogen application

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    Soil compaction is a global issue pertaining to agricultural lands. The frequent use of farm machinery and field operations at the same depth are the major causes of soil compaction. The gradual increase in soil compaction deteriorates maize grain quality due to reduced nitrogen (N) uptake. Quality food production by reducing soil compaction is the need of time, which can be achieved through deep tillage and N management. In this study, three tillage systems viz. conventional tillage (using cultivator), tillage with mould board plough +2-cultivations (MBP), and tillage with chisel plough +2-cultivations (CP); and three nitrogen levels viz. 100, 150 and 200 kg ha–1 were used to evaluate their effect on soil properties, N uptake and grain quality in maize. Lower bulk density (1.41 Mg m–3), higher total porosity (0.47 m3 m–3) and higher nitrogen uptake (96.01 kg ha–1) was recorded under chisel plough (CP) compared with other tillage systems. Different N levels had significant effect on grain and total N uptake and grain quality, while soil properties remains unaffected. Higher N uptake was recorded with 200 kg ha–1 N application than other treatments. Similarly, 8.51% and 8.57% more grain protein contents were recorded with 200 kg ha–1 N during first and second year respectively. Unlike grain protein, starch and oil contents were negatively affected by N application being higher starch (71.7%) and oil contents (3.41%) with less N supply (100 kg ha–1). However, interaction effect of tillage and nitrogen levels was found non-significant for all studied parameters except for oil contents. Higher oil contents were recorded with MBP along with 100 kg ha–1 N application. Overall study indicated that deep ploughing with CP is important for maize to explore more soil area for nutrient uptake and N is also important for improving grain quality especially protein contents an important food constituent

    Highly Efficient Visible Hologram through Dielectric Metasurface

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    To achieve applied aspect of metasurfaces in the visible regime, dielectric materials with low absorption are indispensable. This work presents highly efficient generation of hologram via processed amorphous silicon, which exhibits significantly low absorption in the region of interest. The phase and the polarization of transmitted light are tailored by varying the orientation of dielectric nanorods whereas their conversion efficiency is optimized by adjusting their structural parameters. Better image fidelity and higher conversion efficiency (up-to 75%) are achieved as compared to previously reported work. The proposed design methodology paves a way toward on-chip realization of various novel phenomena with substantially enhanced performance.11Yscopu

    Box–Behnken Response Surface Design of Polysaccharide Extraction from Rhododendron arboreum and the Evaluation of Its Antioxidant Potential

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    © 2020 by the authors. In the present investigation, the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) conditions and optimization of Rhododendron arboreum polysaccharide (RAP) yield were studied by a Box–Behnken response surface design and the evaluation of its antioxidant potential. Three parameters that affect the productivity of UAE, such as extraction temperature (50–90 ◩C), extraction time (10–30 min), and solid–liquid ratio (1–2 g/mL), were examined to optimize the yield of the polysaccharide percentage. The chromatographic analysis revealed that the composition of monosaccharides was found to be glucose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, and fucose. The data were fitted to polynomial response models, applying multiple regression analysis with a high coefficient of determination value (R2 = 0.999). The data exhibited that the extraction parameters have significant effects on the extraction yield of polysaccharide percentage. Derringer’s desirability prediction tool was attained under the optimal extraction conditions (extraction temperature 66.75 ◩C, extraction time 19.72 min, and liquid–solid ratio 1.66 mL/g) with a desirability value of 1 yielded the highest polysaccharide percentage (11.56%), which was confirmed through validation experiments. An average of 11.09 ± 1.65% of polysaccharide yield was obtained in optimized extraction conditions with a 95.43% validity. The in vitro antioxidant effect of polysaccharides of R. arboreum was studied. The results showed that the RAP extract exhibited a strong potential against free radical damage
